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  • Volume 17,Issue 06,2013 Table of Contents
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    • >Design and Construction
    • Static and dynamic analysis and construction simulation of cable dome

      2013, 17(06):3-20. DOI: 10.59238/j.pt.2013.06.001

      Abstract (59) HTML (0) PDF 14.91 M (215) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The cable-net dome system is the first to adopt a new structure form in China, the system is more complex, the static and dynamic analysis and the dynamic simulation of the construction process are particularly important. Based on the nonlinear finite element analysis method, the cooperative performance of the structure's primary and secondary cable network is analyzed, and the dynamic performance is deeply discussed. In view of the difficulties in the construction and forming of cable dome structure, using ANSYS software to track and simulate the structural response in the construction process has certain reference value for the engineering construction design of similar structures.

    • The application of prestressing technology in the project of Ningbo Bund Bridge

      2013, 17(06):11-31. DOI: 10.59238/j.pt.2013.06.002

      Abstract (55) HTML (0) PDF 7.40 M (197) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The main bridge of Ningbo Bund Bridge adopts a special cable-stayed bridge structure with a single tower and four cable planes with a main span of 225m, and the approach bridge adopts a prestressed concrete continuous beam structure. This paper focuses on the application of prestressed engineering technology of the main bridge of the Bund Bridge, such as the cable-stay and anchorage system, the post-anchor prestressing and suspension anchorage system, the steel-concrete connection node of the tower pier, the design of the prestressed concrete continuous box girder of the approach bridge, and the prestressed tension control during the construction of the tower rotation, which has certain reference value for similar projects.

    • Application of computer automatic control hydraulic technology in bridge integral installation construction

      2013, 17(06):14-20. DOI: 10.59238/j.pt.2013.06.003

      Abstract (69) HTML (0) PDF 12.89 M (197) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, through the transformation of Xiguan bridge around the island in Beijing Changping, the main implementation process of the first overall replacement project of bridge superstructure, the paper introduces in detail the computer automatic control integrated hydraulic technology with different functions for self-propelled beam carrier, load sharing system, synchronous jacking jack system, beam lifting machine and universal jack. Based on the accurate analysis and verification of the stress conditions in the construction process of the space special-shaped structure by the computer finite element software, combined with the application of the computer automatic control hydraulic jacking technology in the key processes of supporting, moving and transporting the old beam, lifting and crushing the old beam, weighing the new beam as a whole, transporting the new beam as a whole, and accurately placing the new beam as a whole during the use of the old beam, the roof support system can be used in the special-shaped plate It is an important prerequisite for the smooth implementation of the new construction method to automatically adjust and adapt to the large difference of the reaction force of each fulm, and to keep the deformation of the beam body under the change of the vertical and horizontal slope of the route during the moving process.

    • >Product Research and Development
    • Development and engineering application of rail-cable-frame beam system for Aizhai Bridge

      2013, 17(06):21-25. DOI: 10.59238/j.pt.2013.06.004

      Abstract (34) HTML (0) PDF 8.81 M (217) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aizhai Bridge is a single span suspension bridge with steel truss stiffened beam. The main span layout is 242m+1176m+116m. It spans the Dehang Grand Canyon, the terrain on both sides of the canyon is steep, and the design elevation of the bridge floor is about 355 meters different from the ground level. In order to overcome the difficulty of poor transportation conditions, the construction scheme of rail cable sliding frame and beam method is put forward. It uses the main cable of the suspension bridge as a load-bearing structure, and the permanent suspension cable is connected to the tensioned rail cable supported by the temporary sling as a track. The beam carriage moves the steel girder stiffening beam section on the rail cable, reaches the position to be installed, and vertically lifts and installs it with the help of the cable hoist. In this paper, the sliding-frame beam system of the rail cable and its scale model test and full scale model test are introduced. At the same time, the design and test of the cable hoist are also described. The test and engineering application results show that the rail cable sliding frame beam method can quickly realize the erection of the main beam of the suspension bridge, and has good safety and economy, and has broad application prospect and popularization value.

    • >Design and Construction
    • Design of prestressed steel structure support frame for a high-rise external climbing tower crane

      2013, 17(06):26-31. DOI: 10.59238/j.pt.2013.06.005

      Abstract (46) HTML (0) PDF 9.46 M (196) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the construction characteristics of Tianjin modern city structure, the design of steel tower suspension support is an important premise to ensure the construction safety. The design of embedded parts and joints is particularly important in the erection of tower crane support. In this paper, the finite element analysis of the embedded node and the concrete punching check calculation are carried out. Due to the small thickness of the core tube wall, the concrete punching resistance cannot meet the requirements. In order to make the strength of the concrete and the embedded part meet the requirements, prestressed tensile reinforcement is adopted to ensure the safety of the steel structure support frame in the construction process.

    • >Product Research and Development
    • The localization of prestressed anchorage system in nuclear power plant and the key and difficult points in site construction

      2013, 17(06):32-38. DOI: 10.59238/j.pt.2013.06.006

      Abstract (93) HTML (0) PDF 12.51 M (235) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:China's nuclear power development has been more than 20 years, before 2008, China's nuclear power containment prestressed construction all adopt foreign prestressed anchorage system. After years of efforts, Liuzhou Overwem Machinery Co., Ltd. has developed the second generation of improved prestressed anchorage system for nuclear power and the third generation of prestressed anchorage system for nuclear power, and has developed supporting construction equipment to realize the localization of China's nuclear power prestressed anchorage system. In this paper, the domestic prestressed anchorage system for nuclear power and the key and difficult points in the field construction of prestressed nuclear power are introduced.