1998, 2(01):12-14. DOI: 10.59238/j.pt.1998.01.001
1998, 2(01):15-21. DOI: 10.59238/j.pt.1998.01.002
Abstract:The disadvantage of post-tensioned prestressed projects is that the accidents of pressurized injection mud and insufficient filling of pressurized injection occupy a certain proportion. As a quality improvement method for grouting construction, it focuses on the use of post-bonded prestressed steel. This method has more construction practices in construction, and in bridge structure, mainly by the Japan Road Corporation, examples of adoption are also increasing. In Songfan viaduct, the late bonded prestressed steel strand is used as the transverse tension bar in the bridge panel, which can not only avoid the shortcomings of grouting, but also save labor and shorten the construction period. The following is a brief description of its engineering.
1998, 2(01):25-30. DOI: 10.59238/j.pt.1998.01.003
Abstract:This paper introduces the use of prestressed concrete prefabricated parts to build disaster prevention structures in Japanese highway projects. Disaster prevention structures can be divided into two kinds: snow disaster prevention and rock fall prevention and landslide prevention. It can also be divided into preventive engineering and protective engineering structures, such as snow cover, avalanche fence, avalanche safety tunnel, avalanche railing, rock fall, rock fall safety tunnel and rock fall railing, as well as hanging fence with FRP, cantilever beam with foam styrene to prevent rock fall railing and so on.
Address:Room B611, Civil Engineering Building, Tongji University, No. 1239 Siping Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China Postcode:200092 ServiceTel:021-65983096
Publish: Tongji University Press Fax:021-65983096 E-mail:pt@tongji.edu.cn
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