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Advancements in Sustainable Prestressed Concrete Bridge Technologies: A Comprehensive Review
Seyedmilad Komarizadehasl1 , Al-Amin2 , Ye Xia2 , Jose Turmo1
1. Dept. of Civil and Environment Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), BarcelonaTech. C/Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034, Barcelona, Spain
2. Department of Bridge Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092 , China
Advancements in prestressed concrete bridge technology have increasingly focused on sustainability in response to growing environmental concerns. This review examines recent innovations in integrating recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) and supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) within prestressed concrete to conserve resources, reduce waste, and lower carbon emissions. Sustainable prestressing techniques, including the use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tendons and shape memory alloys (SMAs), increase the durability of prestressed concrete bridges, extend service life, and minimize maintenance needs, thereby reducing environmental impact. Key methodologies, such as lifecycle assessment (LCA) and performance-based design, are highlighted for their roles in optimizing structural performance while reducing the ecological footprint. Despite the benefits, barriers to widespread adoption remain, including technical limitations, economic challenges, and regulatory constraints. To address these issues, this review proposes further research on material development, updated design guidelines, cost‒benefit analyses, and supportive policy initiatives. The findings confirm that integrating sustainable materials and advanced technologies in prestressed concrete bridge construction offers environmental advantages without compromising structural integrity. Collaborative efforts among engineers, researchers, policy-makers, and educators are essential to overcoming these barriers and advancing sustainable, resilient infrastructure.
1 Introduction 2 Sustainable Materials in Prestressed Concrete 2.1 Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates 2.1.1 Properties of RCA in Prestressed Concrete 2.1.2 Recent Research and Applications 2.2 Supplementary Cementitious Materials 2.2.1 Impact on Concrete Performance 2.2.2 Recent Developments 2.3 Alternative Prestressed Materials 2.4 Summary and Implications 3 Innovative Sustainable Prestressing Techniques 3.1 Low-Carbon Prestressing Methods 3.1.1 Energy-Efficient Production Processes 3.1.2 On-site Practices Reducing the Environmental Impact 3.2 Smart and Adaptive Prestressing Systems 3.2.1 Self-monitoring Structures 3.2.2 Adaptive Prestressing Techniques 3.3 Summary and Implications 4 Design and Analysis Strategies for Sustainable Bridge Engineering 4.1 Lifecycle Assessment for Sustainable Bridge Design 4.1.1 Evaluating Environmental Impacts 4.1.2 Incorporation into Design Codes 4.1.3 Case Studies 4.2 Performance-Based Sustainable Design 4.2.1 Balancing Structural and Environmental Objectives 4.2.2 Optimization Techniques 4.2.3 Case Studies 4.3 Durability Design for Extended Service Life 4.3.1 Durability Modeling 4.3.2 Service Life Prediction 4.3.3 Sustainable Maintenance Strategies 4.4 Summary and Implications 5 Discussion and Implications 5.1 Advantages of Sustainable Prestressing Techniques 5.2 Advanced Prestressing Techniques 5.3 Challenges and Future Directions 5.4 Implications for Sustainable Infrastructure 6 Conclusions 6.1 Key Findings 6.1.1 Sustainable Materials Integration 6.1.2 Innovative Prestressing Techniques 6.1.3 Design and Analysis for Sustainability: 6.2 Recommendations for Practitioners 6.2.1 Adoption of Sustainable Materials 6.2.2 Implementation of Innovative Techniques: 6.2.3 Integration of Sustainability in Design 6.3 Recommendations for Researchers 6.3.1 Material Development and Characterization: 6.3.2 Development of Design Guidelines and Standards: 6.3.3 Addressing Implementation Challenges: 6.4 Concluding Remarks
1 Introduction
The construction industry is increasingly emphasizing sustainability to address environmental concerns such as resource depletion, high energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. Prestressed concrete bridge construction, a critical component of infrastructure development, is no exception. Recent advancements in prestressed technologies aim to enhance sustainability, incorporate green designs, and set the stage for future innovations [1-5]. Figure 1 provides an overview of these advancements, showcasing key milestones and innovations that have shaped the industry.
Prestressed concrete bridges offer several advantages over traditional reinforced concrete structures, including improved load-bearing capacity, material efficiency, and enhanced durability [6-13]. However, conventional prestressed concrete relies heavily on nonrenewable resources and energy-intensive materials such as cement and steel, contributing significantly to environmental degradation [14-16]. This reliance presents a challenge in aligning bridge construction practices [17] with global sustainability goals [18-21].
In response to these challenges, researchers and engineers have explored the use of sustainable materials and innovative technologies in prestressed concrete bridges [22-24]. The incorporation of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) and supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) has shown promise in reducing the environmental impact of concrete production. Additionally, advancements in design methodologies and the adoption of smart technologies aim [25] to optimize material usage and extend the service life of bridges, further contributing to sustainability [26-30].
Figure1 Evolution of sustainable practices in prestressed concrete bridge construction over the past decade.
Despite these efforts, there is a gap in the literature regarding a comprehensive review of recent advancements in sustainable prestressed concrete technologies for bridge construction. Specifically, findings from the past five years need to be consolidated to understand how these innovations address environmental challenges and to identify future research directions.
This paper aims to fill this gap by providing a detailed review of the latest developments in prestressed concrete technologies for bridge construction, focusing on sustainability, green construction, and future trends. The contributions of this review are threefold: (1) synthesizing recent research on sustainable materials and methods in prestressed bridge construction, (2) highlighting innovative design and analysis techniques that promote environmental sustainability, and (3) identifying challenges and proposing future research directions to advance the field.
The manuscript is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses sustainable materials used in prestressed concrete, including recycled concrete aggregates and supplementary cementitious materials. Section 3 explores innovative sustainable prestressing techniques that reduce environmental impacts. Section 4 examines design and analysis methods emphasizing sustainability, such as lifecycle assessment and performance-based design. Section 5 identifies challenges and future research opportunities. Finally, Section 6 provides conclusions and recommendations based on the findings of this review.
2 Sustainable Materials in Prestressed Concrete
The integration of sustainable materials into prestressed concrete bridges is crucial for reducing environmental impacts and promoting green construction practices. This section reviews recent advancements in the use of recycled concrete aggregates, supplementary cementitious materials, and alternative prestressing materials in prestressed concrete applications.
2.1 Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates
Recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) are derived from crushing and processing demolished concrete structures. The utilization of RCA in new concrete reduces the demand for natural aggregates and minimizes construction waste, aligning with sustainability goals. However, incorporating RCA into prestressed concrete presents challenges because of their variable properties.
2.1.1 Properties of RCA in Prestressed Concrete
Compared with natural aggregates, RCA typically exhibit greater water absorption, lower density, and weaker interfacial transition zones. These characteristics can affect the mechanical properties and durability of prestressed concrete.
Modifications in mix design are necessary to account for these differences. The elastic modulus of concrete containing RCA can be estimated via a modified empirical formula as follows [31]:
𝐸 𝑐 represents the elastic modulus of the concrete, in MPa;
𝑓 𝑐 ′ represents the compressive strength of the concrete, in MPa;
𝛼 represents the reduction factor (<1) based on the RCA content.
The reduction factor α accounts for the decrease in stiffness due to the inclusion of RCA. Research indicates that with up to 30% replacement of natural aggregates, the mechanical properties remain within acceptable ranges for prestressed applications, according to Table 1.
Table1Summary of recent studies on RCA usage in prestressed concrete
2.1.2 Recent Research and Applications
Recent studies have extensively investigated the integration of Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA) in prestressed concrete, focusing on maintaining mechanical performance while increasing sustainability [40]. These studies have explored various RCA replacement levels to understand their effects on properties such as compressive strength and elastic modulus. Key techniques, such as presoaking RCA to improve workability and the use of mineral admixtures to enhance durability, have been employed to counterbalance the inherent variability of RCA [32]. Table 1 summarizes recent research findings, detailing the effects of different RCA replacement percentages on the compressive strength and elastic modulus of prestressed concrete, as well as other relevant observations.
The data presented in Table 1 highlight the variability in the mechanical properties when RCA are used in prestressed concrete. This demonstrates that RCA replacement levels up to 30% yield compressive strength and elastic modulus values comparable to those of conventional aggregates, with limited reductions in performance. However, higher replacement levels, particularly above 60%, are associated with significant decreases in both strength and modulus, highlighting the importance of careful mixing and quality control when RCA is used in prestressed applications.
2.2 Supplementary Cementitious Materials
Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs) , such as fly ash, slag, and silica fume, are industrial byproducts that can partially replace Portland cement in concrete. Their use reduces the carbon dioxide emissions associated with cement production and enhances certain concrete properties.
2.2.1 Impact on Concrete Performance
SCMs contribute to pozzolanic reactions, which refine the pore structure and improve durability [41]. The general pozzolanic reaction is represented as follows [42]:
This reaction consumes calcium hydroxide, a byproduct of cement hydration, and forms additional C-S-H gel, increasing the strength and reducing permeability.
The inclusion of SCMs affects the water-to-cementitious material ratio (w/cm) . Adjustments are made using activity coefficients to account for the varying reactivities of SCMs [43]:
𝑊 represents the water content, in 𝑘 𝑔 /𝑚 3;
𝐶 represents the cement content, in 𝑘 𝑔 /𝑚 3;
𝑆 𝐶 𝑀 represents the 𝑆 𝐶 𝑀 content, in 𝑘 𝑔 /𝑚 3;
𝑘 represents the efficiency factor.
2.2.2 Recent Developments
Recent research has highlighted the benefits of SCMs in prestressed concrete:
(1) High-Volume Fly Ash (HVFA) with RCA concrete: Cement production is a major contributor to global CO₂ emissions, driving the need for more sustainable alternatives in concrete construction. High-Volume Fly Ash (HVFA) concrete, which uses up to 50% fly ash as a replacement for cement, is a promising solution that maintains strength and improves durability while reducing environmental impact. The pozzolanic properties of fly ash, as well as its lower waterto-cementitious material ratios, help HVFA concrete achieve comparable or even greater long-term compressive strengths. Studies have shown that optimizing fly ash content, alongside partially replacing coarse aggregates with RCA and fine aggregates with dredged marine sand (DMS) , can produce HVFA concrete mixtures with a target compressive strength of 30 MPa, effectively balancing sustainability and structural performance [44]. Even though this compressive strength is not suitable for prestressing technologies, it is a starting point.
(2) Silica Fume Addition with RCA: Silica fume (SF) has proven to be an effective additive for enhancing the mechanical properties and durability of concrete, especially in mixtures that include RCA. Its fine particle size helps to fill voids in the matrix, which improves the density of the concrete, reduces the porosity, and enhances the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between the RCA and the binder. Studies indicate that adding SF at an optimal level (approximately 8– 10%) can significantly improve the compressive strength and durability of RCAbased concrete by promoting the formation of denser hydration products. However, adding more than the optimal amount may lead to unwanted expansion and microcracking, which can compromise strength and durability [45].
(3) Combination of SCMs: Synergistic effects lead to superior performance [46].
For example, Zhang et al. [47] reported that prestressed concrete with 30% slag replacement exhibited improved durability without compromising early-age strength.
2.3 Alternative Prestressed Materials
Exploring alternative materials for prestressed tendons contributes to sustainability by reducing the reliance on traditional steel and enhancing durability.
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tendons, which are made from carbon, glass, or basalt fibers, exhibit high tensile strength and corrosion resistance. The stress‒strain relationship of FRP tendons is linear‒elastic until failure, resulting in a lack of ductility of the steel [48].
The tensile capacity is calculated as follows [49]:
𝑃 𝐹 𝑅 𝑃 represents the maximum tensile force;
𝐴 𝐹 𝑅 𝑃 represents the cross-sectional area;
𝑓 𝐹 𝑅 𝑃 represents the ultimate tensile strength.
Design considerations must account for the reduced ductility and different bond characteristics compared with those of steel.
2.4 Summary and Implications
The adoption of sustainable materials in prestressed concrete bridges contributes to environmental goals without significantly compromising structural integrity. Careful mix design adjustments and an understanding of material properties are essential. Ongoing research continues to address these challenges and expand the applicability of these materials in practice. Figure 2 illustrates the integration of sustainable materials, including RCA and SCMs, into prestressed concrete, emphasizing their role in promoting sustainability within bridge construction.
Figure2 Integration of sustainable materials into prestressed concrete
3 Innovative Sustainable Prestressing Techniques
Recent advancements in prestressing techniques have emphasized sustainability by reducing environmental impacts and enhancing structural efficiency. This section reviews innovative methods that contribute to green construction in prestressed concrete bridges, focusing on low-carbon prestressing methods and the integration of smart technologies.
3.1 Low-Carbon Prestressing Methods
Minimizing the carbon footprint associated with prestressing processes is crucial for sustainable bridge construction. Innovations in manufacturing and onsite practices aim to decrease energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
3.1.1 Energy-Efficient Production Processes
The production of prestressed steel is energy intensive and contributes significantly to carbon emissions. Recent developments have introduced more energy-efficient manufacturing techniques:
(1) Thermo-Mechanical Treatment: This treatment enhances the mechanical properties of steel tendons without additional alloying elements, reducing energy usage and resource consumption [50].
(2) Use of Recycled Steel: Incorporating recycled steel scrap in the production of prestressed tendons lower the demand for virgin materials and reduces emissions.
The environmental impact [51] can be quantified via embodied energy calculations:
𝑄 𝑖 represents the quantity of material 𝑖 used (mass, volume, or area) ;
𝐸 𝑖 represents the embodied energy per unit of material 𝑖 (MJ/kg, MJ/m³, etc.) ;
𝑛 represents the number of materials/components involved in the system.
Reducing 𝑄 𝑖 or 𝐸 𝑖 through efficient processes directly decreases the embodied energy of the materials used.
3.1.2 On-site Practices Reducing the Environmental Impact
Innovative construction practices contribute to sustainability:
(1) Prefabrication and Modular Construction: Off-site fabrication of prestressed elements enhances quality control, reduces material waste, and minimizes on-site energy consumption.
(2) Advanced Tensioning Equipment: Compared with traditional hydraulic methods, electrically powered or automated tensioning systems improve efficiency and reduce energy usage.
(3) Optimized Prestressing Levels: Utilizing computational methods to determine the optimal prestress force reduces material usage without compromising structural performance.
3.2 Smart and Adaptive Prestressing Systems
Integrating smart technologies into prestressed concrete bridges enhances sustainability by extending the service life, reducing maintenance needs, and improving safety.
3.2.1 Self-monitoring Structures
Embedding sensors within prestressed concrete structures allows real-time monitoring of structural health:
(1) Fiber Optic Sensors: Measure strain and temperature and detect early signs of corrosion along the prestressing tendons [25].
(2) Wireless Sensor Networks: Enable remote monitoring and data collection, reducing the need for frequent physical inspections.
The implementation of structural health monitoring (SHM) systems improves maintenance efficiency and can be represented via reliability models [52]:
𝛽 represents the reliability index;
𝜇 𝑅 represents the mean value of the resistance (capacity of the structure) ;
𝜇 𝑆 represents the mean value of the load effects (demand on the structure) ;
σ𝑅 represents the standard deviation of the resistance;
σ𝑠 represents the standard deviation of the load effects.
By continuously updating 𝛽 , engineers can proactively address issues before they lead to significant problems.
3.2.2 Adaptive Prestressing Techniques
Adaptive or active prestressing systems adjust the level of prestress in response to environmental conditions or changes in load.
(1) Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) : Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) , particularly Febased SMAs, offer a promising approach for prestressing in reinforced concrete (RC) applications because of their unique shape memory effect (SME) and costeffectiveness. When activated by heat, these alloys return to their original shape, generating a recovery stress that effectively prestresses the structure. Recent studies have demonstrated that Fe−SMA strips can increase the shear capacity of RC beams by 25–45%, particularly when applied in U-wrap or strip configurations. The activation process reduces crack width and delays the onset of shear cracking, improving both durability and serviceability. Although Ni‒Ti SMAs have traditionally been used, Fe-based SMAs are gaining popularity in civil engineering because of their stable recovery stress and enhanced corrosion resistance [53].
(2) Electrically Controlled Tendons: Electrically controlled tendons are an innovative prestressing solution that allows for precise, adjustable control over tension within concrete structures. By incorporating materials such as electroactive polymers or shape memory alloys, these tendons can be activated through electrical currents, enabling real-time adjustment of prestress forces on the basis of structural requirements or external loads [54]. The application of electrical currents to certain materials can modify their stress state, allowing for dynamic prestress control.
3.3 Summary and Implications
Innovative sustainable prestressing techniques significantly contribute to reducing the environmental impact of bridge construction. By adopting low-carbon methods and integrating smart technologies, the industry can achieve sustainability goals while improving structural performance and longevity [55-58]. These advancements represent a progressive shift toward more sustainable infrastructure development [59, 60]. Figure 3 presents a graphical representation of innovative sustainable prestressing techniques, including low-carbon production methods and smart systems, highlighting their contribution to enhancing structural performance and reducing environmental impacts in prestressed concrete bridge construction.
Figure3 Innovative sustainable prestressing techniques
Table2 underscores the advancements in prestressing techniques aimed at enhancing sustainability. While the integration of CFRP tendons and recycled steel shows promise in reducing long-term maintenance and carbon emissions, challenges such as high initial costs and design complexities must be addressed. The table also highlights the potential of smart tendons with embedded sensors, which provide real-time monitoring capabilities, thereby contributing to predictive maintenance and improved safety, although sensor reliability and cost remain significant barriers. It also addresses solutions such as Internal Unbonded Tendons [61-64], Magnesium Alloy Tendons [65] or Prestressing with Bio-based Composites [66].
Table2Innovative prestressing techniques, sustainability benefits, challenges, and recent applications
4 Design and Analysis Strategies for Sustainable Bridge Engineering
This section delves into advanced methodologies for incorporating sustainability into bridge design and analysis, emphasizing LCA, performance-based design, durability optimization, and sustainable maintenance practices to balance structural performance with environmental considerations.
4.1 Lifecycle Assessment for Sustainable Bridge Design
4.1.1 Evaluating Environmental Impacts
The LCA process for bridge design involves the following phases:
Goal and Scope Definition: Establishing the objectives, system boundaries, and functional units for the assessment.
Inventory Analysis: Collecting data on energy and material inputs and outputs throughout the bridge's lifecycle.
Impact Assessment: Evaluating potential environmental effects via indicators such as global warming potential (GWP) , acidification, and resource depletion.
Interpretation: Analyzing results to make informed decisions for improving sustainability.
The total environmental impact 𝐸 can be expressed as follows [76]:
E=i=1n Qi×Ei
𝐸 represents the total volume of environmental impact;
𝑄 𝑖 represents the quantity of process 𝑖 (e.g., energy consumed, material used, and emissions generated) ;
𝐸 𝑖 represents the environmental impact factor of process 𝑖 .
4.1.2 Incorporation into Design Codes
Recent efforts have been made to integrate LCA into bridge design standards:
ISO 21930:2017: Provides core rules for environmental product declarations of construction products [46].
EN 15804: Establishes sustainability standards for construction projects in Europe [77].
These codes encourage designers to consider environmental impacts alongside structural requirements, promoting a holistic approach to sustainability.
4.1.3 Case Studies
Studies have demonstrated significant reductions in environmental impacts through LCA-informed design:
Material Selection: Choosing low-impact materials such as SCMs and RCA reduces the GWP.
Design Optimization: Adjusting structural dimensions and prestress levels to minimize material usage without compromising performance.
Table3 presents examples of the LCA results for prestressed concrete bridges, which are organized into the following columns: bridge design, sustainable design choice, total GWP in kg CO₂ equivalent, energy consumption in MJ, resource depletion percentage, and key findings.
Table3Examples of LCA results for prestressed concrete bridges
Table3 offers a comprehensive comparison of the lifecycle environmental impacts of various sustainable design choices for prestressed concrete bridges. The findings illustrate those bridges incorporating RCA and SCMs show substantial reductions in GWP and energy consumption, without compromising structural integrity. Notably, bridges using 50% GGBS as a replacement for Portland cement achieved a 35% reduction in CO₂ emissions, emphasizing the environmental benefits of SCMs in reducing the carbon footprint of concrete infrastructure.
4.2 Performance-Based Sustainable Design
Performance-based design (PBD) focuses on achieving specific performance objectives rather than adhering to prescriptive code requirements. Incorporating sustainability into PBD involves balancing structural performance with environmental considerations.
4.2.1 Balancing Structural and Environmental Objectives
In sustainable PBD, designers establish performance criteria that include the following:
Structural Performance: Strength, serviceability, durability, and resilience.
Environmental Performance: Resource efficiency, energy consumption, emissions, and recyclability.
To optimize these criteria, multi-objective optimization methods help designers find the most effective trade-offs, considering environmental impact reduction without sacrificing structural integrity [85].
4.2.2 Optimization Techniques
Optimization models help identify design solutions that meet performance goals while minimizing environmental impacts.
(1) Multi-Objective Optimization
Multi-Objective Optimization [86] considers several goals simultaneously, including eliminating the environmental impact 𝑓 𝑒 𝑛 𝑣 (𝑥 ) , maximizing the structural performance 𝑓 𝑝 𝑒 𝑟 𝑓 (𝑥 ) , and minimizing the cost 𝑓 𝑐 𝑜 𝑠 𝑡 (𝑥 ) :
minx fcost (x),fenv (x),-fperf (x)
The above formula is subject to the following:
Design constraints (e.g., strength and deflection limits)
Material and geometric variables x
Techniques like the Pareto Front, which are used to identify optimal solutions.
(2) Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) mimic natural selection to explore a wide array of design variables. Through iterative processes of selection, crossover, and mutation, GAs efficiently converge on optimal solutions that balance complex, nonlinear relationships typical in sustainable bridge design [87].
4.2.3 Case Studies
Optimized Girder Design: The cross-sectional area of girders is reduced while using high-strength materials to maintain performance, leading to material savings and lower environmental impacts.
Material Substitution: A portion of cement is replaced with SCMs in the concrete mix, which is a method optimized for both structural performance and decreasing the GWP.
Figure 4 depicts the trade-off between environmental impact and structural performance for different design solutions, and a Pareto front is used to demonstrate the optimization of sustainability and performance in prestressed concrete bridge designs.
Figure4 Graphical representation of a Pareto Front, showing the trade-off between environmental impact and structural performance for various design solutions.
Figure 4 demonstrates the trade-offs between structural performance and environmental impact involved in design optimization via a Pareto front. The curve shows that achieving higher structural performance often leads to increased environmental impact, particularly for high-strength steel and RC materials. Materials such as timber and advanced composites with SCMs offer an optimal balance, achieving higher structural performance with significantly lower environmental impact. The placement of composite materials near the top left of the curve indicates that these materials provide the best compromise, achieving high performance with minimal environmental costs. The graph underscores the importance of selecting materials that align with sustainability goals without sacrificing structural integrity.
4.3 Durability Design for Extended Service Life
Designing for durability enhances sustainability by extending the service life of bridges and reducing the frequency of repairs and replacements.
4.3.1 Durability Modeling
Predictive models assess the potential degradation mechanisms over time:
Chloride Ingress: Modeled via Fick's Second Law [88]:
𝐶 (𝑥 , 𝑡 ) represents the chloride concentration at depth 𝑥 and time 𝑡 ;
𝐶 𝑠 represents the surface chloride concentration;
𝐷 𝑡 represents the apparent diffusion coefficient;
𝑒 𝑟 𝑓 represents the error function.
Carbonation Depth: Estimated with the following [89]:
𝑑 𝑐 represents the carbonation depth;
𝑘 represents the carbonation coefficient;
𝑡 represents the carbonation time.
4.3.2 Service Life Prediction
The service life 𝑡 𝑠 can be estimated by setting the critical concentration or depth at which reinforcement corrosion initiates as follows [90]:
𝑡 𝑠 represents the service life (time to corrosion initiation) ;
𝐶 𝑐 𝑟 𝑖 𝑡 represents the critical chloride concentration at which the reinforcement starts to corrode;
𝐶 𝑠 represents the surface chloride concentration (chloride concentration at the concrete surface) ;
𝐷 𝑡 represents the effective diffusion coefficient of chloride ions in concrete (m²/s) .
The design of concrete mixtures and cover depths to delay the initiation of corrosion extends 𝑡 𝑠 , enhancing sustainability.
4.3.3 Sustainable Maintenance Strategies
Implementing proactive maintenance based on durability models reduces lifecycle costs and environmental impacts:
Preventive Maintenance: Scheduled interventions before significant deterioration occurs.
Condition-Based Maintenance: Using SHM data to plan maintenance activities effectively.
4.4 Summary and Implications
Integrating sustainability into the design and analysis of prestressed concrete bridges involves comprehensive assessment and optimization techniques. Lifecycle assessment provides insights into environmental impacts, whereas performance-based design and optimization ensure that structures meet both performance and sustainability objectives. Durability-focused design extends service life, reducing resource consumption over time. Collectively, these approaches contribute to the development of sustainable infrastructure. Table 4 provides a summary of the design and analysis methods for sustainability in prestressed concrete bridge engineering
Table4Summary of the design and analysis methods for achieving sustainability in prestressed concrete bridge engineering
5 Discussion and Implications
Despite significant advancements in sustainable prestressed concrete bridge construction, several challenges impede the widespread adoption of these practices. This section discusses the technical, economic, and regulatory obstacles and outlines potential future research directions to overcome these barriers.
5.1 Advantages of Sustainable Prestressing Techniques
The materials shown in Figure 5, such as RCA, HVFA, and SF, notably enhance both durability and sustainability:
RCA: While RCA-based concrete generally has a lower compressive strength than traditional concrete does, optimized RCA mixtures can meet standard performance criteria while reducing the environmental impact associated with virgin aggregate mining.
HVFA: HVFA concrete significantly reduces CO₂ emissions while maintaining comparable strength and durability to conventional concrete, positioning it as an attractive choice for large-scale projects focused on reducing environmental footprints.
SF: The addition of SF improves concrete density, filling micro voids and enhancing the durability of RCA-based concrete by increasing resistance to cracking and permeability.
5.2 Advanced Prestressing Techniques
Figure 5 also highlights the potential of advanced techniques, such as Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) and Electrically Controlled Tendons, in achieving responsive and adaptive structures. SMA, especially Fe-based types, provides reliable prestress forces upon thermal activation, increasing crack resistance and delaying crack propagation. Electrically controlled tendons offer real-time adjustability, which can be highly beneficial in dynamic environments like bridges and high-rise buildings.
5.3 Challenges and Future Directions
Despite these benefits, several challenges need to be addressed to optimize these techniques:
Material Availability and Cost: While materials like Ni-Ti SMA are highly effective, they remain cost-prohibitive for widespread use. Although Fe-based SMAs are more affordable, further research is required to optimize their properties for practical applications.
Performance Consistency: RCA and HVFA mixtures can exhibit variability due to differences in source materials, necessitating rigorous quality control in practical applications.
Integration with SHM: Future studies should focus on merging advanced materials with SHM systems to enable real-time performance monitoring, proactive maintenance, and extended structural longevity.
5.4 Implications for Sustainable Infrastructure
The adoption of these sustainable materials and prestressing techniques promises a significant reduction in the carbon footprint of concrete structures while enhancing durability. Figure 5 outlines the key challenges in implementing sustainable practices in prestressed concrete bridge construction, categorizing them into technical, economic, and regulatory challenges. The figure also presents future research directions aimed at addressing these obstacles to enhance the adoption of sustainable solutions in the industry.
Figure5 Challenges in implementing sustainable practices and the proposed future research directions to overcome them
6 Conclusions
Sustainable practices in prestressed concrete bridge construction have witnessed significant advancements over the past five years, addressing the urgent need to reduce environmental impacts and promote green construction. This review has synthesized recent developments in sustainable materials, innovative prestressing techniques, design methodologies, and real-world applications, highlighting their contributions to enhancing sustainability without compromising structural performance.
6.1 Key Findings
6.1.1 Sustainable Materials Integration
(1) The use of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) and supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) has proven feasible in prestressed concrete bridges, offering environmental benefits such as reduced resource consumption and lower carbon emissions.
(2) Alternative prestressing materials such as fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tendons and bio-based fibers contribute to durability and sustainability, although challenges remain in standardization and long-term performance assessment.
6.1.2 Innovative Prestressing Techniques
(1) Low-carbon prestressing methods, including energy-efficient production processes and optimized on-site practices, reduce the carbon footprint associated with prestressing operations.
(2) Smart and adaptive systems, such as self-monitoring structures and adaptive prestressing using shape memory alloys (SMAs) , enhance durability and extend service life, contributing to sustainability through reduced maintenance needs.
6.1.3 Design and Analysis for Sustainability:
(1) Lifecycle assessment (LCA) provides a comprehensive framework for evaluating and minimizing the environmental impacts of bridge construction over its entire lifespan.
(2) Performance-based sustainable design and optimization techniques enable the balance of structural performance with environmental objectives, leading to resource-efficient and high-performing bridge designs.
(3) Durability-focused design extends the service life of bridges, reducing the need for frequent repairs and replacements and thus conserving resources over time.
6.2 Recommendations for Practitioners
6.2.1 Adoption of Sustainable Materials
(1) The incorporation of RCA and SCMs into prestressed concrete where feasible ensures appropriate mix design adjustments and quality control measures.
(2) The use of alternative prestressing materials such as FRP tendons should be explored, considering the specific performance requirements and long-term durability needs.
6.2.2 Implementation of Innovative Techniques:
(1) Low-carbon production methods should be utilized, and construction practices should be optimized to increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions.
(2) Smart technologies and adaptive systems should be integrated to monitor structural health and extend service life, reducing lifecycle environmental impacts.
6.2.3 Integration of Sustainability in Design
(1) LCA and performance-based design approaches are employed to comprehensively assess and minimize environmental impacts throughout the bridge lifecycle.
(2) Optimization techniques are applied to achieve the best trade-offs between structural performance, cost, and environmental objectives.
6.3 Recommendations for Researchers
6.3.1 Material Development and Characterization:
(1) Research on enhancing the properties of RCAs and SCMs to improve their suitability for prestressed applications is needed.
(2) Innovative materials, such as bio-based composites and nano-enhanced materials, should be investigated to further enhance the sustainability and performance of these materials.
6.3.2 Development of Design Guidelines and Standards:
(1) Collaboration with industry stakeholders should occur to create standardized guidelines and codes that facilitate the use of sustainable materials and technologies in prestressed concrete bridges.
(2) Existing design methodologies should be updated to incorporate the latest research findings and technological advancements.
6.3.3 Addressing Implementation Challenges:
(1) Studies should be conducted to better understand and mitigate the technical, economic, and regulatory barriers hindering the adoption of sustainable practices.
(2) Educational initiatives and knowledge-sharing platforms should be promoted to increase awareness and expertise among engineers and construction professionals.
6.4 Concluding Remarks
The transition toward sustainable prestressed concrete bridge construction is both a necessity and an opportunity. Embracing sustainable materials and innovative technologies not only addresses environmental concerns but also paves the way for enhanced structural performance and extended service life. The challenges identified, while significant, are surmountable through concerted efforts in research, standardization, education, and policy development.
Future advancements depend on the continued collaboration among practitioners, researchers, policy-makers, and educators. By building on the progress of the past five years and actively pursuing the outlined future research directions, the industry can achieve a more sustainable and resilient infrastructure. The commitment to sustainability ensures that prestressed concrete bridges continue to serve society's needs while safeguarding environmental resources for future generations.
Figure1Evolution of sustainable practices in prestressed concrete bridge construction over the past decade.
Figure2Integration of sustainable materials into prestressed concrete
Figure3Innovative sustainable prestressing techniques
Figure4Graphical representation of a Pareto Front, showing the trade-off between environmental impact and structural performance for various design solutions.
Figure5Challenges in implementing sustainable practices and the proposed future research directions to overcome them
Table2Innovative prestressing techniques, sustainability benefits, challenges, and recent applications
Table3Examples of LCA results for prestressed concrete bridges
Table4Summary of the design and analysis methods for achieving sustainability in prestressed concrete bridge engineering
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